Internet Resources for Paralegals and Legal Assistants
Legal Resources |
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General Search Resources |
Legal Resources
Over 8000 state and federal forms in .pdf format (very few for Vermont courts), sample agreements and generic forms by subject.
Subject tree for broad range of legal information. Requires a lot of navigation, but provides a search capability for Vermont Supreme Court cases by title or docket.
Cornell's award-winning Legal Information Institute site; user-friendly and extensive links by subject. Also links to listservs, email notification and news services.'s Vermont law and government page. Handy list of links to state government and two links to the University of Vermont.
Subject tree, partially key-driven. You get what you pay for; use with care.
This site focuses on the intellectual processes behind legal research, from a librarian's perspective (the amazing Genie Tyburski). Meta-information - information about information.
Full-text search, journal list by topic and law school (listed geographically).
Extensive alphabetical journal list, with online text availability indicated by a bullet.
List of lists, including foreign law reviews and legal news.
Law review list including foreign and obscure titles, and legal newspapers. law portal.
Links to information on business formation (business plans, buying / franchising, legal structures), finance (accounting, bankruptcy, funding, taxes), legal (contracts, environment, intellectual property, Internet, lawyers and courts, permits / licenses, injuries and torts), employment (discrimination, hiring process, firing/ termination, workplace safety), operations (credit / collections, equipment, insurance, sales and marketing).
This site will allow you to retrieve publicly available filings submitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission from January 1994 to the present. Non-electronic filings, and filings made prior to 1994, are not available.
Over 1500 searchable public records databases, by State. Includes corporate, trademark, unclaimed property, professional registries, UCC filings, vital records, etc. (varies by State).
General/Misc. Search Resources
Excellent search engine with exact phrase and Boolean capability, as well as subject trees.
You choose which search engines you want to use. Supports Boolean searching and has a "check links" feature (default is no). "Search Channel" utility focuses search engine list.
Web design assistance.